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What is a content marketing agency?

Blue Swing Media • November 18, 2019

There are many different forms of digital content and methods for executing an effective optimization strategy, but where does an experienced content marketing agency fit in?

You have experienced content marketing in many different forms on the internet. Have you notice how the words were crafted to sound appealing? Coming up with such content goes beyond writing few blog posts and putting photos on them. This is because there are some aspects of content marketing which may prove to be highly technical. Despite all of these, it is way through which business can reach out to more potential and existing customers. 

Content marketing is similar to inbound marketing where customers are being attracted without any kind of interruption. Rather than bombarding your target audience with unsolicited ads and messages, they will be coming to your site of their own free will to devour the helpful content that has been purposefully created, just like this article. 

Content marketing agencies exist to help solve a specific problem. Businesses want to expand their reach through content marketing but don’t know how to go about the process. Content creation is a process that is time consuming and a lot of hard work. Also, the tools required to track your results can be very expensive. Through the help of content marketing agencies, all of these obstacles can be overcome. Costs will be reduced and businesses will be able to outsource the most difficult aspect of traffic generation. 

Blue Swing Media has been chosen as one of the top Florida Content Marketing Agencies!

Expanding the reach of your site

Content marketing is proving to be very effective when it comes to generating organic traffic to your website. It is the traffic being generated from search engines when your website ranks on them. This isn’t the same as direct traffic whereby the URL of your site will be typed by someone. Direct traffic can also be those generated through social media platforms, paid advertisements and others. 

Organic traffic consistently brings in leads. The best part is that the cost is almost zero after your content has be created and the best part is that (unlike ads) it never gets turned off. Once a content is published, it will become live for people to access. 

Agencies follow the best practices conscerning search engines will be able to rank such content as your domain authority grows over time. A very popular way through which the outreach of your website can be expanded is blogging. It is also possible for more web pages to be created and building of quality backlinks from authority websites around the web. 

In order to get a grasp about the roles of a content marketing agency, it is important to know the meaning of content marketing. This isn’t about knowing how it tends to work but the reason why it is working in the first place. 

The meaning of content marketing

Content marketing is a form of digital marketing where content is being created and circulated around the web by webmasters with the primary aim of driving traffic back to their websites. Content could be in the form of written blog posts, videos, audios, graphics and others. It has some goals which is to generate traffic, establish a relationship with your target audience and build trust. The bottom line is getting new customers and trying as much as possible to keep existing ones. 

Modern content marketing can be said to have been made possible by the advent of the internet. However, the idea of concept marketing was used by businesses before the internet came into existence. Graphs, charts and guides for products have been very useful most especially in the aspect of generating sales. There are some who believe that content marketing started centuries ago through the idea of cave painting. 

Content marking isn’t a sales pitch but has been designed to help people. You should try to avoid sounding like you are trying to sell something. This is most especially important for those contents produced like articles and blog posts. 

Just as content is of different types, that is how their approaches vary. Every business has its own unique content marketing strategy. Whatever the case may be, you will find out that there is always a content marketing strategy that is relevant to your business. 

For instance, social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram and others are the best places for B2C businesses. These companies are into the sales of high – tickets as well as services of long – term. Their focus should be on developing those long form content after which they will then be shared on a platform such as LinkedIn. 


This is one content marketing strategy which has been tested and proven to deliver. It doesn’t seem to be declining anytime soon since it is still bringing results for webmasters. In a statistics shown by Hubspot , over 50% of webmasters claim that blog content creation happened to be their inbound marketing strategy in the year 2017. 

Blogging Statistics

Most businesses are using their blogs in distribution of press releases or even news regarding their products. Some companies make use of in providing news about the industry trends. These are crucial strategies given that your company is being seen as an authority. This can help you establish a relationship with your target audience and build trust over the course of time. 

However, always note that blogging requires two major objectives which you need to be aiming for. These will be listed below:


Blogging is vital when it comes to search engine optimization . Every blog post has got a chance of ranking for keywords and search queries. Your keywords are selected based on what potential and existing customers are searching for on search engines. The primary aim is to ensure that your posts rank very high amongst the various search engines thereby generating traffic for your website. 

For instance, this post is optimized to target keywords like “content marketing”, “benefits of content marketing,” “content marketing agency," “what is content marketing” and “content marketing strategy”. In case you are reading this post by doing some searches online, it is possible you must have inputted any of these keywords on the search queries. 

Effective blogging is all about writing for both Google and your target audience. This is why you need to choose topics that your target audience will find appealing. What are those questions they must have asked about your company before? Why have they decided to patronize your brand? Ensure that your blog posts are being written with your customers in mind. 

Regular blogging will enable your blog to maintain high positions on search engines. Changes within your industry should be addressed. Get a schedule for blogging established and be consistent with it. You will be fine by putting up a few posts every month. However, be consistent with whatever number of posts you must have decided to develop. 

In case you tend to be working with any of those content marketing agencies, let them know when you would want contents written for your website. All that you have to do is review the posts before submitting them to search engines. 

Content in the form of a "Lead Magnet"

Through content offers, your traffic will be converted into leads. It is form of gated content whereby your target audience will need to get a form filled out before accessing the main page. They will get access to such content after filling out their personal details. 

Lead Magnets are basically repacked helpful content repackaged in a helpful way and you can choose any one of them to start using. Some popular ones are industry reports, whitepapers, eBooks, how - to - guides and checklists. Content offers don’t necessarily have to be lengthy. Customers may prefer infographics, videos, chart statistics, and audios. Any type that you must have chosen, ensure it aligns with what your audience wants. 

Through landing page optimization , traffic can be generated to any content offer. However, the major purpose isn’t traffic generation. Content offers are all about increasing contact database. If you want your landing pages to have lots of exposure, ensure they are shared on social media platforms and other authoritative web pages within your niche. Once someone signs up, start sending them emails about your products/offers. 

More leads can be generated by sharing your landing page on social media. Digital ads are also another method that works fine. Ensure your blog posts and webpages have got Call to Actions. These are simply buttons which take visitors to landing pages when clicked on. 

Do You Need In - House Marketing Department Or Marketing Agency?

Content creation is a hectic task. It requires understanding how to come up with an idea that your target audience will find appealing. In case you are working with any content marketing agency , ensure that a schedule has been established where content offers can be created. They have tools available that will help in the posting of such content. 


Videos are becoming increasingly popular among marketers. By the end of 2019, it is expected that video traffic should make up around 80% of overall traffic being generated on the internet and YouTube is the second largest search engine on the planet. 

This number is about 85% in the US. Videos seem much easier to consume as compared to contents that are written. Also, they tend to provide viewers with a more realistic example about how your business operates. 

The way that video is created depends on people you are targeting. The videos you can choose from are of various types. These could be:

• Thank-you


• Demos

• Even/experiment videos 

• How - to videos 

• Educational videos 

• Testimonials 

• Advertisements

• And others

Just like other forms of content marketing, your chosen video will be determined by the section of funnel which you tend to be targeting. Videos that are educational seem perfect for top of tunnel. FAQ videos will work very well for bottom funnel. 

Video content has a drawback which is the fact that they have to be perfectly created. A poorly created video will only putt off your target audience. Also, not everyone around your company or business that will understand how to make them. It is always very expensive creating those videos that are of very high quality. This is why most companies prefer using the services of third – party marketers for video creation. 

Content marketing agencies can also create compelling videos.

In situations whereby they can’t, they usually work with other partner companies. Some agencies charge an arm and a leg for custom videos, but others include videos as a part of a marketing package.  That is the approach that we take and you read more about it here: Content Marketing Services .

Whatever the case may be, you need to start considering the option of video content marketing. As compared to written content, videos tend to get far more shares on the various social media platforms. There could be someone in your team who understands how to create stunning videos. You are likely to have some knowledge about it once you’ve organized a webinar before. 

Social media  

Social media happens to be another part of content marketing. Every post you make is tailored towards engaging your target audience. You may want them to read such posts, share them, take action and others. Every step or requirement is very crucial. A professional copywriter can help you compose powerful messages. 

Whenever you are posting, ensure to include your content as well as those from other people. If you have any business you are partnering with, it is possible to exchange content. This will drive traffic to both businesses’ sites. You can also share contents from sources that are related to your niche. A strategy like this will not generate traffic for your site. However, it will enable you get lots of followers in the long run who will be interested in your brand. 

You can share posts once or even twice every day most especially when you seem to building your follower base. With automation tools being used, sharing becomes easier. With tools like these, you will know posts that are getting the most comments, shares and views. 

Social media marketing can also take the form of social media advertising, active interaction and influencer marketing. In case you happen to be partnering with any content marketing agency, contact them in order to know the option that is ideal for your business. Such agency can also help out with some tasks that will make these strategies to be very effective. 

Original images and graphics

Images such as graphs, charts, designs, photographs and infographics can be easily consumed. Visual content is more powerful when compared to written content. Over 60% of people seem to be visual learners. When details are transmitted via images, they tend to be easily processed. Using visual aids to make presentations can also be very persuasive. 

It is common for images to be included in your written content. Articles which have images will get higher views and retention rates. You will notice most blogs have images especially at the top of their pages. 

You can get a graphic designer to handle this aspect. Alternatively, use your content marketing agency to get it professionally done. Through images, brand identity can be easily created. 

Stick with original images for now. In order words, avoid the use of stock photography. Ensure the images will be customized before used on your site. This can be done by a professional graphic designer. 

Content marketing benefits  

Most websites have got social media presence but still need content marketing in order to become effective. 

It is possible for products to be included in your site. However, your blog will have to be very active. This is the only way to generate traffic on steady basis. It is possible that you’ve created several pages on various social media websites. However, original content need to be posted to generate leads steadily. 

In case you seem to be doubting the potentials of content marketing, you aren’t alone. Although this strategy is inexpensive, time will be required. Patience is also required before results will be seen. However, there are lots of long term benefits attached to content marketing. It is possible for new leads to be captured through old contents. Contents will be permanently on your site. 

You will need an effective software to track your results using this strategy. You will understand contents that are performing and those which aren’t. This will enable you know the right content marketing strategy to adopt for your business. 

Businesses hire the services of content marketing agencies. This is because they can handle their content creation as well as dissemination on daily basis. This could be article curation, creating of content offers, social media posting and writing of blog posts. Provided there is a strategy, results will likely start coming. 

Increased and enhanced brand awareness

People need to know your brand is existing. The only way to make this happen is providing content to them. There are 2 ways that posting of content can improve awareness about your brand. The first is that it will reach out to more people while second is that it will educate people about what your brand stands for. The search engines as well as social media platforms have made the process of creating brand awareness much easier than before. 

Always write content which target a much broader audience. Your topics should reflect your brand. For instance, we have managed to write articles on topics such as team building and company culture. 


Building relationship and establishing trust

Putting up some pages on your site gives visitors the chance to know more about your company. However, you can do better by helping them go even deeper. According to statistics, over 70% of B2B buyers tend to carry out researches online. In case your blog is active, it won’t be a bad idea to have content that your target audience can download. 

Partnering with a professional content marketing agency

In case your staff is inadequate in terms of creating content on regular basis, a content marketing agency can help out. Just like any other option you can choose to grow your business, choosing a content marketing agency also has some pros and cons. 

Even when there is marketing department, there are other ways a content marketing agency can also help your business. Marketing agencies are there to help out on those tasks you may not have the time to execute. Without having to incur overhead costs in hiring additional workers, your business can grow beyond where it is. 

You may not be able to monitor the activities of an agency though. Also, patience will be required before you will start getting results. 

More Benefits of working with a content marketing agency

A major positive of a professional agency is high level of expertise when hired. You won’t have to bother about hiring the services of too many marketing experts. 

Your over marketing cost will be reduced drastically. This means you won’t have to bother about spending on salaries 

Innovative ideas. There are times when new ideas will be needed for your business to succeed. A content marketing agency will help you think outside the box.

There is high level of productivity that can happen since you will have more time to concentrate on other aspects of your business. This means you will be more competitive in your industry. 

In case you are still doubting how content marketing can help your business, giving it a try wouldn’t cause any harm. Just create some posts and spread them across the web. Also, you can ensure to get them shared on social media sites. If your website has any tracking application, ensure that it is used to find out how they are performing. Just check whether such posts are generating traffic as expected.

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