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Content Marketing for Landscape Companies Case Study

Joel Conner • November 12, 2021

Introduction: A new way to think about growing your landscaping business 

How to target landscaping clients by creating relevant content 

It's not that complicated. If you want to "skip to the front of the line," and target those who are ready or almost ready to take action there is a better way. 

Create helpful web pages for those searching for landscaping and lawn services and design your web pages to build trust

Now I know that this is not a new concept, but in most cases, landscaping companies are only approaching this target with advertising dollars. And because this target, "Landscaping services in MyTown," is coveted, it's an expensive keyword to go after with paid advertisements. How expensive depends on the competitors in your area.  Their are many marketing strategies for landscaping businesses, but we believe that content market builds more trust and organically grow (no pun intended) your business.

What if you could have more of those who were looking for landscaping companies find you organically? It is doable! But it doesn’t happen overnight and without the right game plan. We were able to do it in a matter of a few months. I am not going to go through all the details, I’ve already provided that in the local content marketing pages of our website, but I would like to get you excited by showing you some compelling stats. 

We started sending the right blend of signals to web crawlers that our website was about the top/best landscaping services in the area. We did this all over our website using the website description, h1 metatags, information on the main page, supporting pages, the “about us” page, and blog posts. We created custom video content around the web pages, posted the videos on YouTube, optimized them to perform well, and then put those videos on the website via I-frame.

The result of using content marketing to target those searching for landscaping companies

The statistics in this case study are pretty amazing in my opinion, especially when you factor in the quality of a prospect that takes action to get in touch with you after finding your content, learning about landscaping, reading your testimonials, or watching or of your videos. The value of these leads is made clear by how much local landscaping companies are willing to bid for them in a Google Ads Campaign.

Google My Business Results

The image above shows the visibility of a local landscaping company in a small town in Florida that hired us to do local content marketing for them.  Notice that the larges percentage by far (in blue) is discovery!

Sidenote: The are some large services aggregator websites are also targeting these terms. Don't let them deter you. They don't show on google maps. You also have an advantage as being a local business. And many folks will scroll past those web pages, recognizing that they don't deliver what they are searching for.

Sidenote 2: Currently google reviews make big difference in building authority for new prospects & elevating your presence on Google maps. Search engines and users rely on verified testimonials because they are hard to manipulate. So, don't forget to ask your fans for testimonials, so make it a part of your business plan.

Target People Who Are Doing Serious Research About landscaping tips

This group isn't as zeroed-in as those searching for a landscaper, but they are much more targeted than those just scrolling on social media feeds. 

People who are in the "research phase" are more intentional than casual YouTube browsers. They are looking for insights about the absolute "best fit" home for their lawn and garden. They are going to want to know about landscaping tips specific to their geographic area, best hedges, hardiest flowers, and a myriad of other factors. The most helpful webpage that provides all of these localized landscaping tips is likely to perform well on Google. And in most cases, the competition is going to be willing to do this.

Once you have this helpful information, turn it into a video that you place at the top of the page. Don't just put all this landscaping tips info on one page. Create pages for each landscaping tip and link to them from one master landscaping tips page. If it is a small to a medium-sized city you can have one main landscaping tips page. If it is a large city you may want to create a master page for multiple areas.

Landscaping tips within an area can link to each other via internal links, as it makes sense. This internal linking will boost the authority of the main root page.

So, enough about the concepts, let's look at some results.

Landscaping Tips Pages Results

content pages for landscaping

Notice that the number one page on the website is a content related page with almost 3,000 views.

Case Study Summary: Content Marketing for Landscaping Companies 

As you can see, strategically creating relevant content around potential home buyers that are close to taking action is highly effective. It is a game-changer when done correctly. 


Is this something that is doable? Is it an easy feat for a busy landscaping company owner to accomplish? I'm sorry to say it is not. Is it a possibility? Yes. Is it likely to happen? No. 

So this is where content marketing agencies can help. We have the team, experience, processes, and tools to accomplish the fastest ROI. Hiring a team like ours is an investment. It is one of the best moves your company may ever choose to make. Results won't happen instantaneously, but for those who stick with it, the result (when properly executed) is website traffic and findability that stays on 24-7. 

There are many factors involved, such as domain authority, your local presence, the quality of your content, and the competition in your city, but we have seen content marketing work well in highly competitive areas. If you're curious about how this could play out for you, let us get acquainted. This strategy is highly effective and would love to implement a content marketing campaign to help your landscaping business thrive. 

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