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What’s the Difference Between SEO and Content Marketing?

Blue Swing Media • September 27, 2019

Content Marketing Vs. SEO

Content marketing and SEO are the two foundations of an effective digital marketing campaign. They are the two things you need most. If you are able to utilize them effectively, you’ll increase your chances of succeeding with your marketing efforts. 

Whether you run a small business, write a blog, or work as a webmaster, you should understand all of the benefits that come with using content marketing and SEO as part of a digital marketing strategy. Of course, they are only effective when used properly. 

What is SEO and What Benefits does it Offer?
The term “SEO” refers to a set of rules that can be applied to blogs and websites to allow search engines to better understand. The goal is to make it easier for the crawlers used by search engines to “read” through your website as fast as possible and index them efficiently. 

To keep it simple, the more pages a search engine has in their index, the greater your chances of appearing in search engine results pages when someone searches for something related to your business. 

SEO is a little more complex than that and there are several parameters that help determine the SEO-friendliness of a website, but this idea works as a general concept to work from. 

In order to compare content marketing and SEO, it’s worth looking at only the technical aspects of SEO rather than everything as a whole. 

The Benefits of SEO

With everything else being equal, SEO-friendly websites will:

  • Rank higher in search engines like Google 
  • Receive more organic traffic from search engines 
  • Attract targeted traffic from people looking for something specific 
  • Be easier for humans to understand as well as robots – which offers benefits of its own like more conversions and sales 
  • Perform better compared to non-optimized websites – will be faster and more mobile-friendly, etc. 

What is Content Marketing?
Content marketing uses a content for marketing purposes. It’s a bit more of a theoretical concept compared to SEO, but it works effectively. Content is defined as anything that can be posted online including text (blog posts and articles), images, videos, podcasts, infographics, banners, product reviews, user comments, and more. 

The marketing aspect of content marketing refers to using promoting online content to achieve digital marketing goals. This could be something like boosting traffic to your blog or website, improving sales, encouraging people to register to an email list, and other ways you can leverage content to benefit your business. 

The most common forms of content marketing include; 
  • Blogging – creating content on a blog 
  • Publishing an image gallery to showcase products 
  • Creating an infographic to explain something to customers 
  • Create videos for comparing and reviewing products 
There are endless options when it comes to content marketing. Just about anything that is posted online could be connected to content marketing in some form or another. 

Content Marketing vs SEO 

When looking at content marketing vs SEO the main difference that stands out is that SEO is more technical. It has more to do with the design and structure of a website and how a website behaves. Content marketing is more about gaining online exposure by suing content effectively. 

SEO requires you to ensure your website has everything in place. It needs to have the right titles, descriptions, and URLs. It has to load fast and efficiently. It needs easy-to-navigate menus. The images must be tagged properly. There’s so much that goes into effective SEO. 

Content marketing, on the other hand, is much simpler. All you have to do is choose the right kind of content you want to publish, how it should be presented, and how to best promote it online to get in front of a target audience. You could even hire a content marketing agency to take care of all of that for you. 

Will Content Marketing Replace SEO? Should they be Used Together?

If you’ve gotten this far then you may understand why the two systems are best used together. Rather than using one or the other, they perform best when combined. Sometimes the answer really is “why not both?”

Content marketing and SEO both generate impressive results when they are used properly because; 

  • SEO prepares your website to make it easier for search engines and users alike to access and read it 
  • Search engines pick up the new content that you publish and add it to their index 
  • This process gradually improves organic traffic and you can utilize content to convert those new visitors into new customers 
  • Having great content also encourages people to share it across social media to generate even more exposure and traffic 
  • Great content is linked to by other websites which has a positive impact on the off-page SEO of your website, meaning that it ranks even higher and generates even more organic traffic. 

Has Content Marketing Replaced SEO?

Content marketing hasn’t replaced SEO by any means. What it has done, however, is become a key part of SEO. 

Imagine that content marketing and SEO are two different people working together on the same team. The SEO person identifies the keywords that matter most to your website and business and they tell the content marketing person about them. 

The content marketing person takes their input and generates great content with it and hands it back over to the SEO person. The SEO person optimizes the content and prepares it before putting it online. 

Once it goes online, the content marketer can then promote the content through digital marketing techniques. This puts the new content in front of people who need to see it most for the best results. 

Final Thoughts 

If you want to get the best results online then you need to understand content marketing and SEO and how to use them both effectively. SEO is needed to optimize the website ready for search engines, while content marketing fills the website with unique content that readers and customers will find useful. 

If you want to get the most out of content marketing then consider consulting a content marketing agency. Blue Swing Media are experts in the field and would be more than happy to help you reach your digital marketing goals. 


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