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Free Ways To Promote Your Content Marketing Plus Pro Tips

Joel Conner • June 28, 2020

We all love free stuff. Now you can promote your best content with these media channels.  Plus, some of them can be automated.

1. Share content on social media networks 
I know what you are thinking, Duh! However, this is still the quickest easiest way to promote content freely. 
Pro Tip: Use automation (software that will automatically share your RSS post to all of your social media on a predetermined schedule.
Pro Tip: If the content is evergreen, share it repeatedly. (software can also do this) Social Pilot, Social Bee, Publer.
Pro Tip: Some social networks are a better fit for certain industries. Don’t waste your time on a social media channel that doesn’t work well for your industry.

2. Share on Q&A sites such as Quora.
Pro Tip: Don’t just share it anywhere, make sure that your content delivers a relevant answer to the question.
Pro Tip: Don’t merely share, answer questions, comment, and vote as well.

3. Share on social community bookmarking sites such as Readit.
Pro Tip: Don’t merely share, comment and vote as well.
Pro Tip: Look for other, smaller content focused communities such as BizSugar.

4. If your business is local, post as much content as possible on Google My Business.
Pro Tip: You can link one post to another creating a chain of connected posts. This is called post stacking.
Pro Tip: Posts on GMB can also be shared on your social media networks. 
Pro Tip: A quick and easy way to boost your Google My Business is to take photos with your smartphone (geo-location turned on) and then post them to GMB with relevant keywords as the description.

5. Ask questions / take polls. 
If you ask someone a question and they think that they have a good answer. They are more likely to engage with your business.
Pro Tip: Leverage software & automation to gather leads or build subscribers. (The marketing software is so crowded that most offer a free service for a certain # of subscribers) MailerLite is one of my favorites. 
Pro Tip: Use Facebook’s built-in polling feature
Group of people online groups to promote content marketing

6. Use Online Groups to Promote Content

 Facebook has thousands of niche groups that you can participate in. If the group is closed and you can get in by approval only, that even better.

Pro Tip: Never abuse the group’s policies. Doing so will do more harm than good. 
Pro Tip: Make sure that the group is active and not a dead relic from 4 years ago.
Pro Tip: If you are a B2B business, check out LinkedIn Groups.

7. Leverage Events (Online & Local) 
More and more platforms have event functionality. 
Invite people to events and have them promote it as well.

Pro Tip: Collaborate with others to do an event. This can often double or triple the impact of your event.

8. Submit your post to blog aggregator sites.
Alltop, Popurls, TheWebList, BlogEngage

This is something that content marketers often overlook.  It is true that we are hoping for our content to be found through organic search right away, but often this is just not the case. Blog aggregator sites can be useful in giving your content an initial boost.

9. End your post with a link to similar content on your site or a video you made.
Pro Tip: use an attractive thumbnail for your link.
Pro Tip: The goal of your page should be aligned with Google philosophy: to be as helpful as possible and provide a good user experience. The opposite of so many pages where you are bombarded with ads, popups, and lead magnets.

Pro Tip: If you don't have a similar piece of content yet, link to someone else's relevant media.  This sends the right signal to web crawlers.

10. Embed a video at the top of your post.

This tenth way to promote your content will greatly decrease your bounce rate and send the right signals to your search engine.
Pro Tip: Make sure the video content is relevant to your post & good quality content. Otherwise, this strategy will backfire.

Here are some more helpful ways to promote your content: 7 Promotion Tactics To Get Your Content Noticed


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