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How To Create Engaging Content

Joel Conner • June 2, 2020

How to make media that will actually be consumed by the modern distracted person.

Whoa now hold on… This is another blog about blogs? A post about media that engages ought to be, well, engaging, right? If you make it to the end of this article, you will have a new superpower! You’ll be able to draw in any reader and have them stick around long enough to get your point across. There are a few tricks used by best selling authors and award winner movie producers that work great for content marketers.

I have been enjoying 2 courses and 2 books simultaneously. How to write best selling fiction & how to produce engaging video. So much of what I am learning applies perfectly to web content. So many content marketers get so focused on getting people to their content (I have been guilty of this.) that they neglect to make content in such a way that readers/viewers will want to engage with the content. 

Disclaimer: This is not an article about merely getting people to take action or engage with your business. That will never happen if you don’t first get them interested in what you are saying.  

It’s not that the content is low quality (though this is also commonplace), it’s just not easy to digest. Even if the content is decent, if it’s presented poorly, no one will care and what’s even worse is that they won’t ever have the chance. Why, because if your delivery stinks, then your content may as well not exist. Search engines will interpret the bounce rates of your content to mean that users don’t like your content.  

So, what to do about it? How do we ensure that your media is liked enough to be consumed? 

5 keys to engaging content

  1. Start With Intrigue
  2. Introduce Conflict
  3. Deliver Something Valuable
  4. Be Personable & Builds Trust
  5. Invite Them to be apart of something
I’ll attempt to put this into a single statement. 

Blue Swing Media’s Content Manifesto

Content should draw in the user, help them feel tension, deliver actionable insight while building trust and offering them a chance to in some way associated with the creator. 

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I know that this is no small task. And if your content just has 1 or 2 of these elements it will already be ahead of 80% of web articles that you encounter.

Start With Intrigue
Do you know what killed the second Star Wars Trilogy? 
Well if you read to the end of this section I’ll tell you. 

From the get-go, the post title, include some mystery. 

Example: “How to get reviews on Google, in ways that you wouldn’t expect.”

Don’t spill the beans too early. Don’t give them the whole solution in the first sentence. 

If you are solving a problem for the reader/watcher, give them a teaser. Let them know that their is more to come and that it will be worth the wait.
So what the second round of Star Wars movies less that wonderful?

Unless you lost in a galaxy far far away, you already knew the ending. And on top of that, it wasn’t a very warm and fuzzy ending. It was an anti-climax. 

Introduce Conflict or Struggle
Life is full of struggle, pain, and conflict. Best selling novels and movies thrive on conflict. No one wants to watch two friends sitting idly at a coffee shop talking about the weather. Without conflict, you wouldn’t be reading this.  

You have a need or pain point and you are hoping that this post might help your content get from A to B so that your business and get from A to B so that your life goals can get from A to B. 

Why do I want this article to be as helpful as possible? Struggle. In compelling books and movies, we begin to care for a character, and then that person gets slammed into a conflict of some kind that they must overcome.  

On your blog post, the reader is likely there not for mere entertainment, but because of some struggle that they have. If you can poke that pain point a bit, you may just invoke the motivation for them to consume your content. 

Deliver Something Valuable

Ask yourself this question before you start writing, “Why should they care?”

If you can’t answer that question, then don’t waste your time. Then ask another question, “Does my blog post solve the issue with insight or does it just rephrase what most people already know from common sense?”  

Readers are tired of catchy article titles that under-deliver. Or when the top 3 google results all basically say the same thing, just in a different way.  

This doesn’t mean that you can’t write about something if someone else already has. It just means that your content needs to be something of value to the reader.   
In college, many of us learned how to stretch out our content to fill four pages. This is exactly the opposite of what makes for good writing. Say what you need to say in as few words as possible. 

Be Personable & Build Trust

When you can tell a story. I am writing from my man cave/office attached to our carport/therapy space. Managing my media agency from home allows me to help my wife with our two special needs children as much as possible. At any moment my door may burst open and children will be crawling all over me and my equipment. From my space to your screen, I believe that this post could make a difference for you and your family.  

People like to know a bit about you. You don’t want to go on about your personal struggles, but you include a bit about yourself and what makes you different from all the bots out there. I enjoy taking conversations offline a quickly as possible. And when I get on the phone, I never ever try to sell them anything. People are valuable. All people. Be personable, learn from Mr. Rogers, care. It will always come back around.


Within your content, you want to give the readers a way to connect or reconnect with you. This could be in verbiage or it can be another on-page element. This is commonly labeled as the “call to action.” Be creative with your invitation. Here are some very common ways to invite people to connect with you.  

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Click to call button
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Schedule a Meeting Form
Subscribe to Newsletter/Channel
Offer a free resource in exchange for contact information
Invite them or Challenge them to call you on the spot!

I genuinely hope that this will help make your content more engaging! If you would like to chat, please don’t hesitate to reach out! 



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